Video Deposition Tactics

These Are A Few Video Deposition Tactics

This blog will introduce a few video deposition tactics we have seen used in court or other legal proceedings.

1. Impeaching a Witness 

Impeaching a witness during a trial is a game changer. Attorneys can take advantage of this powerful technology to turn the tables in their case. By comparing the answers from a statement made during a video deposition to the statements made in court, you are more likely to catch the witness in a lie or notice any inconsistencies in their testimony.

2. Getting Clients Prepared for Trial

In the preparation for trial comes the responsibility of assessing whether or not to use a witness or if their testimony will be beneficial to your case. Video depositions are a valuable tool when used to view the actions and attitude of the deponent. Will they be nervous or difficult to crack? The more you work with clients beforehand the more they will understand about the video deposition process. Therefore it is imperative you take the time to work with them.

3. Viewing of Physical Evidence 

Let’s say that the witness is asked to hold or handle a particular piece of evidence at a deposition. The benefit of video is that the judge, as well as the jury, can view it for themselves instead of hearing what is happening from a paper transcript being read out loud. The visual component is an excellent source of information and powerful tool many attorneys use every day when making preparations for trial.

4. One at a Time Please

Be sure to only take one person’s statement at a time. This means less confusion and fewer people trying to talk at one time. There will also be less noise and fewer disruptions. The number one thing you can do to throw off the flow of an attorneys line of questioning is interrupting to clarify who is saying what for the record.

Call us today to gain the competitive advantage and to better serve your client through our professional and affordable video depositions.