Video Conferencing Pro’s & Con’s

This  blog addresses  video conferencing  pro’s and con’s. We will also provide you with some quick and easy solutions to the potential con’s. Nearly every industry has been changed by the  advancing technology of today’s modern world, including one of the world’s oldest professions, court reporting.

 What is Video Conferencing ?

To put it simply,  videoconferencing is a realtime meeting between parties through the use of a computer, telephone or camera and an internet connection. Some may use programs or applications such as Skype to aid in this process. This type of communication is most useful in the event that necessary parties aren’t able to be in the same physical location but still need to hold court hearings, depositions, and consultations that may not be able to be completed via phone conversations or emails.  Video conferencing is much more cost effective these days thanks to how widespread and readily available the necessary technology has become.

Pro’s Of Video Conferencing

Not only is video conferencing a faster way for witnesses, attorneys and other legal parties to conduct their legal proceedings, it’s also less expensive since no one has to incur transportation costs or pay for lodging.  Another advantage of video conferencing is that it allows court reporters and attorneys to practice their cross-examination, transcription and court techniques while they are outside of a courtroom. When communication is done with high-definition technology, the learning experience is made that much more realistic.

Another advantage of video conferencing with court reporting is that it allows for more collaboration. For example, there could be a traditional court reporter on one end of the video conferencing call and an attorney several states away on the other. There are limitations that come with traditional court reporting and the use of standard transcription equipment. Those limitations can be eliminated through the use of digital recording equipment that records what’s being said from a variety of vantage points.

Con’s Of Video Conferencing

The first  is that no matter how good the equipment is, it will never be as good as physically being in the same room as someone. Then there is always the risk of failure in the internet connection or the equipment itself. That is why here at Phoenix Deposition Services we take every measure to ensure flawless delivery of every service we offer. Book a deposition today and see for yourself.


Resources; Planet Depos, NCRA.


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